Registered Democrats in Hudson will hold a caucus on July 14, 2021 at Avidia Bank Community Room, 17 Pope St, to elect Delegates and Alternates to the 2021 Massachusetts Democratic State Convention. The caucus will take place in-person following health guidelines with an option to participate virtually. Democrats who wish to participate virtually may register at
This year’s state convention will be held on September 25th (location forthcoming), where Democrats from across the state will come together to adopt a Party platform, discuss Party business and celebrate our successes as we prepare for upcoming elections. The event will take place in-line with all federal, state and local health guidelines and will include a virtual option for participation.
The caucus is open to all registered and pre-registered Democrats in Hudson. Pre-registered Democrats who will be 16 by June 15, 2021 will be allowed to participate and run as a Delegate or Alternate. Hudson can elect 9 Delegates and 4 Alternates to the Convention.
Youth, minorities, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ individuals who are not elected as a Delegate or Alternate may apply to be an Add-on Delegate at the caucus or at by August 6, 2021.
Those interested in getting involved with the Hudson Democratic Town Committee should contact Jane Chertoff at 508-277-3995 or visit our website at