February 2021 Meeting


Our February meeting will be at 7 PM Wednesday, February 10 over Zoom.

Check our Facebook page for details or email [email protected]


Annual Community Service Events: We had big  success with our  Fresh Start drive on  MLK Day of Service. Let’s discuss building a list of other annual community events. Will will need volunteers to organize and publicize each event.  Ideas to consider: Fresh Start, Voter registration drive (post cards), holiday gifts, one TBD depending on community need?  

Membership: Should we make an effort to build a larger DTC email group? Some people made calls to Democratic voters  (Jeannie & Kate Donoghue) and easily found people that would like to be on the email list. This will  increase turnout for events.

BOS Candidates Night: Jane is helping Sarah Cressey out with a Candidates’ night before the town election. Discuss that effort and developing a list of questions for the Select Board candidates. 

Transparency Legislation: As a follow-on to a meeting with Rep. Hogan and ActOn Mass regarding transparency legislation we’d like to send a letter endorsing the ActOn transparency initiative. Goal is have that letter signed by all DTCs in Rep. Hogan’s district. Proposed letter https://docs.google.com/document/d/10DyVQUbW61dF_ekfmzMDfs9P1cNuiUKuwwV7kWT78bA/edit?usp=sharing